How To Use Your Roller Banner

The Roller Banner is one of our most popular products and we have put together this short guide to help you use your banner correctly.

Your banner will last a long time if the correct care is taken.

Below is our video showing how to use your roller banner with care, we cannot stress enough how important it is to not let go of the banner as this can severely damage the graphic panel.


This is our step by step guide:

Erect the pole BEFORE extracting the banner from the base. (Figs 1 – 4)

When extracting the banner, gently pull from the centre of the header bar, maintain a firm grip while slowly pulling upward
and keep the banner as straight as possible. (Figs 5 – 6)

Whilst still retaining a firm grip, tilt the banner towards you and connect the header bar to the top of the pole. (Figs 7 – 8)

When putting the banner back into it’s base, tilt the banner towards you with the graphic facing away from you.

Gently remove the header bar from the pole and slowly feed the banner back in to the base.